
I write this blog for my personal enjoyment. From time to time I may give my opinion on a product or service. It is just my opinion, I'm not an expert in the field and other people's opinions may differ (I can't help it if they are wrong, ha ha).

To keep my reviews independent and free of conflicts of interest, my personal policies for reviews are:
  1. This blog receives no payment or other compensation for advertising.
  2. This blog receives no payment or other compensation for reviews of products or services.
  3. If I did not pay full retail price for a product being reviewed, I will explicitly state that in the review.
  4. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of a product being reviewed.
  5. Acceptance of a free sample does not guarantee a review. I follow a "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" rule of thumb. If I like a product, I'll review it. If not, I'm not going to embarrass a supplier.