Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 12

Day 12: A Letter To:  The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Dear Ex Boyfriend, 

We were so good together when we first got together. I really thought that we would last a really long time. I will never forget how we met. A "friend" set us up because you wanted a booty call and she knew that I would shut you down on the stupid crap. We met at the mall in 3rd planet, You had just got into town I had Kadence with me. I was there shopping around being a girl when our friend called me and told me to come meet you. I didnt like you at first I thought that you were snobby, but our friend insisted that I take your number and consider going on a date with you. I took your number and we started texting back and forth. We went out to dinner a few days later. We went to my fav place to eat. I ate like a dude and you barely ate you had a little appetizer. After that we decided that we should go out and do something else. We were going to go to the strip club because well I just dont remember why we decided on that, My baby sitter had something come up so I had to go get Kadence and couldnt go out. You stayed in with me and we sat around playing stupid games. You had to leave town a couple days later. We continued to text back and forth everyday all day. I knew that I was supposed to be with you. You asked me when I was going to come to you all the time I finally told you that I wanted to move down there to be with you and you came and got me. I dropped everything at home to move to be with you. Things were amazing. I was lonely but it was ok because I had you. Things started to get rocky and before I knew it I found out that you had been messing around with another girl. I left you. I couldnt deal with the pain. I moved back home. I told myself that I wasnt going to talk to you anymore and that I was just done with you. But you kept talking to me and you wouldnt give up on me. I finally gave up and started talkign to you. We ended up getting back together. When you finally came home we got a house together and thats when everything started to fall apart. You were such a different person. I couldnt stand you. You were so controlling and didnt understand when I tried to talk to you about it. I was so hurt.  I tried to work things out but you were so mean and nasty to me all the time without even realizing it. I turned to a friend and you found out you were so upset you made me stop talking to him. I could only take so much before it was finally to much. We broke up. We tried to be civil because of Kadence, You told me that you still wanted to be in his life but then you refused to be there for him when he needed you. I think that that is one of the things that hurt me the most. The fact that you hurt my son. I dont know if I will ever be able to forgive you for the things that you did but just know that while we did have some bad times we still had some pretty good times too. 


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